Friday, April 25, 2008

Springtime in the City

Hello to all!

I have just returned from my wonderful adventure in New York City! It was amazing. It was definitely worth the 18 hour bus ride to get there. Strangely, the bus ride was actually enjoyable. We passed beautiful cliffs and mountains, went over bridges hanging above valleys and rivers, and even made friends with a trucker. Yup. It was quite a trip. I have to say, though, the best part of the entire thing was being able to have the time of my life with some of my best friends. They really made it fun (even though they just couldn't understand why I was SO obsessed with Fashion Avenue. They had it in their heads that it was just a street. Psh! More like the most crazy awesome fantastic stretch of concrete ever developed by man!)
Unfortunately, the camera that I used during the trip is probably older than dirt. I wasn't able to document some of the more exciting and beautiful portions of my trip, but I'll show you what I have. I made it a point to take pictures that would show the nitty-gritty of New York City. For example, I took this picture while riding on the bus. I immediately grabbed my less than functional camera when I heard my friends exclaim, "What the deuce?" or "Hot dang!" or the ever popular "Jeez-a-loo!!" etc, etc. I figured that whatever outfit could cause such a ruckus must be worth a picture.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not into bashing other people's choices of clothing. I love it when people wear what they want to. Isn't expressing one's individuality what fashion is all about? I just thought that this picture portrayed the some of the diversity that New York holds.
On the trip, we not only came across a wide range of different people, but many different tourist traps as well. One of which was this boat tour. We were told that we would be seeing the Statue of Liberty. We were all very excited about this, but we had no idea how much excruciating boredom we would have to sit through beforehand.
But we did eventually get to see Lady Liberty in all her glory.

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