Sunday, April 20, 2008

What weekends are good for...

Taking silly self-portraits.

Celebrating this little guy's two years of life.

Drinking tea, taking walks, getting fresh air, reading...

Working on project stuff. I'm trying a new system for scrapbooking - trying to get caught up with old photos. I'm organizing pictures into envelopes with any other bits or ideas (i.e. quotes or clippings from magazines.) So far I like it; I'll let you know how it goes.

...and finally, making pages. This is one of five layouts I completed this weekend - yay! I love getting stuff done and slipping more pages in my scrapbooks. What did you do this weekend?

Erika's in New York City. I'm jealous! She'll be back later in the week to post about all that inspired her in the big city. Have a good week!

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